Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Super Hero's

I have to admit, I feel like a horrible photographer mom. I only have 1 picture of my boys in there costumes.

If you're wondering if the coloring is right, It is. Ethan's face really was white. He woke up Halloween morning with the stomach flu. Poor kid had to miss his halloween party at school. He slept ALL DAY!! He was able to walk up and down the trunk-or-treat once before getting tired and wanting to go to grandmas house, where he spent the rest of the night on the couch. Hopefully next halloween will be better.

I can't not tell you the Logan Halloween story. We were supposed to be leaving the house for the trunk-or-treat in 10 minutes. I was upstairs getting dressed when I hear Ethan screaming, "Mom, Logan is putting his cape in the toilet!" Oh, don't worry, it wasn't just his cape, IT WAS HIS WHOLE COSTUME!!! So needless to say, we were late, I had to do some laundry before we went.


Heather said...

I love these little boys! Can you believe our "babies" are all grown up and putting Halloween costumes in the toilet?!!