Friday, March 7, 2008

Ethan got his Kindy Shot today!

He had to get FOUR shots today. 2 in each arm, and then besides that, they had to prick++ his fin+ger -to che-ck h +-/-is iron-, wh/ich was OK by the way. (+just s+o you know, Log+an is helping me typ+e rig+ht no+w, tha+t is +why there are all the funny si-gns.). Since Ethan was so brave getting his Kindy shots, we got to go to walmart ( i know I ACTUALLy ste+p *foot *in walmart!!-!!-)-- ---a+nd pick out a t-oy. He chose Optimus Prime from Transforme/rs/. This i/s the next day and it +is still his favor+ite-. We'll see how long it lasts--!+ THanks for lo-oking!


Anonymous said...

great shots! no pun intended. poor little dude. glad he loves his reward!

Kenna Rae said...

I remember the good ol days when we'd get our shots then mom would take us to get a barbie! Copy Cat. JK!!!


Tanya said...

Your guys are SO cute! The only good thing about shots are the cool band-aids you get. :)