New friends!
Ethans tooth was here, then not!
Halloween came, and left. . .
{L} started rice cereal. Didn't like it so much at first. But she loved it with mashed up bananas! She loves Squash, not green beans so much.
We looked forward to Disneyland for so long, now it's 2 months ago.Don't you wish you could just stop time?
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Come, and gone
Posted by Tasha at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I'm on a roll. . .
Wow, two times in one week!!! LJ is crying as we speak, which is why I don't post much anymore: it's hard to type one handed!!! But Gotta love her anyway! And look, She's found her toes!!!
Posted by Tasha at 7:23 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's been a while. . .
since I've updated my blog. My DH so generously reminded me tonight. So here I go. About a month ago, we took a drive up the Mirror Lake Highway and we stopped at the Provo River Falls. The water was COLD!!! But that didn't stop my kiddos from jumping in!!!
After the Drive, we went home and cleaned the house, because the next day was our new peanut's Blessing Day. This is still the only picture I have of her in her blessing dress. Hopefully next week I'll get more of her, if she still fits. . .
Posted by Tasha at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I love him. . .
I love him, i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him i love him. . . .
Just reminding myself.
Posted by Tasha at 12:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
July Fourth!!!
This was our humble abode over the Fourth of July weekend!!! We went camping in Hobble Creek Canyon. And Yes, I heard a bear on the first night. Yes it freaked me out, and Unfortunately it was killed the next night by the camp host a couple camp sites away. . .
Isn't this what Camping is all about? Junk Food?? Dirty junk food at that!!! Lindsey made the YUMMYEST penut butter bars ever. I kept eating and eating until someone mentioned how much butter had to be in those, then I pictured myself actually eating the butter. . . That cured me. But it didn't stop me from eating more tonight!
This is about as clean as Ethan got during the camping trip.
All thanks to this hill. I don't think Ethan was off of it for more than 2 hours a day! We did bring his scooter, so he played on that for a bit, and then he'd go get more Sunny D, then he'd be on the mountain again!!!
Logi got pretty dirty himself.
And it wore him out!!!
Fisher came too!!!
Don't forget Missy Moo!!! Her first camping trip, and her first Fourth of July!!! Isn't she cute???
Posted by Tasha at 9:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Here she is!!!
Ok, So I know there is already pictures of her on here, but here are more. She is here, and after about 3 hours, It was like she was always here. She fits in with our family perfectly. The boys absolutely love her. There hasn't been that much difference with her here, she sleeps ALL the time, so I'm able to lay her down and play with the boys. I should put her down and clean the house, but . . . Nah!
Posted by Tasha at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
We are redefining the words "Chocolate Kiss" in our home. Ever since LJ joined our home, Biggest Bro. can't seem to keep is lips off of her!!!
Don't get me wrong, it's GREAT!!! At least he loves her, right? It is awesome to see the boys and how much they love her already. Ethan took one of Lainee's stuffed animals to her room for me, and Logan had a {fit} "Wanies bear!!! Sethan took Wanies bear!!!" Ethan watches out for her so good! He is such a good helper!!!
Posted by Tasha at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
She's here!!!
She's FINALLY here!!! She came to us on Friday at 10:48 pm. I hadn't been feeling well ALL DAY!!! I went to the hospital to get a Non Stress Test done, and I was dehydrated, so they pumped me full of fluids, and sent me home. Well once I got home, I slept the rest of the day. I woke up at about 7 that night with contractions. So I went BACK to the hospital where they admitted me, pumped me full of more fluids and antibiotics. It all went by pretty fast. I only had to push through about 3 or 4 contractions, which was as nice as that can be.
Posted by Tasha at 11:05 AM 10 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Yes, It's my big ole birthday today. So to celebrate, I'm going to lunch with my Mother-in-Law, then we are going to go shopping for fabric for a baby quilt for Dear Daughter. Way fun!!!
Last year for my birthday, Dear Husband took me to Moab. One of my FAVORITE places on earth. (Even though I haven't really been that many places on earth. . .Even if I had, it would still be my favorite.) Here are some pictures from that trip.
Posted by Tasha at 3:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Happy Easter!!!
Ok, now I realize that it's three weeks past Easter, but it takes me a little while to actually download my pictures. So anyway, here is a picture of My Boys after church on Easter. What more could you ask for? (well, right now, I could ask for a little girl, because I'm HONESTLY not sure that I"m going to make it another 5 weeks. I might scream, or cry, or yell or maybe even die. . . but that's another story all together!)
Posted by Tasha at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Time goes by
So thinking of how fast time goes by (see post below) It made me realize just how much you forget. Although you tell yourself you'll never forget, things get erased, or replaced with time. So once in a while (since this is the closest thing to a journal I have) I'm going to post something that I don't ever want to forget.
Today we were at Jeff Jenkins Farwell luncheon. E and L were jumping on the trampoline together, playing with balls. Every time L would drop his ball, E would jump off the trampoline and give it back to him. E is such a good brother! I know they have their bad times, but the love there is WAY more than the dislike!!! I hope it lasts.
Something I don't want to forget about L, is the way his tounge goes in his cheek. If he is being shy, or if he's done something he's proud of, he'll stick his tounge in his cheek and give a little smirk, avert his head and eyes. One day, hopefully, I'll get a picture of that, it's my favorite face he makes (Besides his big grin!)
Posted by Tasha at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Old Pictures
I was looking through old pictures and wondering where the time had gone! My sweet little boys are growing up. I am so greatful that I have pictures to document the time gone by. Here are some older pictures ( ok, just a year or so so not THAT old! )
Posted by Tasha at 9:41 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Picture a day for March
I did a little better in March. Posting late, but the Pictures are there!
Posted by Tasha at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Want some cake?
I did. I wanted Angel Food Cake so bad I could taste it! So I made one before work. And Let me tell you, my whole shift ALL I could think of was that cake. So I come home, Everything LOOKS normal, I go say goodnight to the boys and then I go for some cake. And this is what I found
NO CAKE!!!!!!
What happened, you ask?
He happened.
He tried to tell me that Logan wanted a piece, knocked the cake off the counter, and Fisher ate it all. I believed him for a second, only because that could really happen, but then, again. I WANTED CAKE!!! THAT BETTER NOT HAVE HAPPENED!!!Lucky for him, he just hid the cake.
He happened a few days before April 1st, so I've GOT to get him back somehow. . .
Posted by Tasha at 3:05 PM 0 comments